Friday, January 30, 2015

Crazy Hair/Hat Day

We had so much fun on crazy hair/hat day!

It was the best day...because we really do love being crazy!

Hadley was even sporting her crazy hair too!

Hh Week

 For the letter Hh this week we went on a heart word headband hunt.  It was lots of fun having a heart word taped to our heads and finding all of our hearts words on our friends.   

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January All-School Meeting

Today we went to our January all-school meeting.  

We recognized the Glencoe Police Department as our everyday heroes.

The Kindergarten January panther pride winners for showing school-wide expectations.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Happy 1/2 Birthday

This past week we celebrated our friends 1/2 birthdays since their birthdays are in July when we are not here. 

Crazy Kindergarteners

C is for crazy kindergartners!  We really enjoy going on word hunts around our classroom and sometimes we get to wear some crazy things during these hunts!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Martin Luther King Day

On MLK day we spent time learning about what makes him such a hero.  For a writing project we wrote about our dreams to make the world a better place.

My dream is to help others.

My dream is to tell others to be nice.

My dream is stop bullying

My dream is to stop people from being mean.

My dream is to have everyone follow MLK's dream.

My dream is to have everyone be treated fairly in school.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Reading buddies

On Fridays we enjoy reading with our second grade reading buddies from Ms. Miller's class.  We really enjoy listening to them read and they are helping us to become good readers as well!


Friday, January 2, 2015

Decorating cookies

We are so excited our class earned the most panther pride cards for the month of December so we earned a special treat of decorating cookies.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Winter party

We had lots of fun at our winter party!

We enjoyed having big "Santa" bellies while doing Santa limbo.

Creating some glittery ornaments.

 Mrs. Reichow helping us out at Santa limbo.


The snowblower game was so much fun!